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Relevance is talked about a lot in the context of link building, yet none of us know exactly how Google measures it. When it comes to link building, and specifically the part that relevance plays, the potential answers are a lot more complex than we think. Let’s start by splitting out link relevance and content relevance.

Google has suggested for a while now that bad links won’t have a negative impact on your site. Instead, the algorithm will supposedly be smart enough to withhold any positive benefit from such a link. Tom responds by discussing the benefits of tracking a metric like Spam Score.

Over 14 million people have cut their SEO teeth on our Beginner's Guide to SEO, learning the ins and outs of search engine optimization from scratch. Now, for the first time, we're introducing the next-step resource to take you from practicing SEO to preaching it.

SEOs have powerful metrics at their disposal to measure the success of their strategies, such as Domain Authority (DA) and Page Authority (PA). But how best to use them? In today's Whiteboard Friday, Tom shows you how to think about these metrics as part of a holistic approach to your link building analysis.

Do links or brand authority truly correlate with ranking on the SERPs? This study of the first 20 organic results for every MozCast keyword suggests that yes, they do, but with some important considerations.

Most brands aren’t operating full newsrooms and don’t have the capacity to cover breaking news, but there are still ways to participate in relevant, newsworthy conversations — and surveys are a great option. See how you can utilize surveys to add value to conversations, and earn the interest of writers at top publications.

In this article, learn how to successfully execute an SEO clean-up strategy to ensure your site aligns with your business goals, keeps you in Google’s good books, and yields an excellent user experience for visitors and customers.

You've done your homework, dotted all your i's and crossed all your t's, but have you really fooled Google with your link building campaign? Take a look at some methods we're exploring to root out link manipulation.

Google is moving forward with its mobile-first index — how might it affect your site and the link graph as a whole? It turns out the mobile web is very different from the one we have come to know.